Fancy seeing you here.

February 25, 2012

Hello everyone and welcome to my photography blog. On here you will find photographs that I have taken all by myself!

This blog was actually created in order to try and win a competition that SSC Learning‘s Andy Jacques set up after he did an awesome photography day with Martin Hodgkiss. The prize is a camera, so I’m definitely feeling the pressure to get snap happy for a chance to get my hands on the grand prize, especially as my pride and joy is sat in a cupboard completely battered, broken, bruised and ready to be laid to rest so it can go to the big camera heaven in the sky. We had a good run, so it is time to move on.. *sniff*

Anyway, moving on from that sad, sad story, I really hope you enjoy this blog and find my photographs pleasing to the eye. Hopefully, if all goes well, I shall carry on running this blog with new and old photographs that I have taken.

Have a good time browsing;

Plain Jaine.